Beautiful pics of Susan Ward and Sandra Lee feet & legs

Ward was born at MonroeLouisianaon 14 April1976. Ward attended Monroe Christian School, a Christian private elementary school. In secondary educationWard went to Ouachita Parish High School. She later relocated in River Oaks High School on the summer after her junior year. She was a member of the drill and dance team. After graduating, Ward briefly studied at Northeast Louisiana University. Ward began modeling at the age of thirteen. She left school to go in New York. She had the idea to attempt acting in the following years. She first played an uncredited character in 1970's soap-opera All My Children, and later was cast in an teen drama for NBC Prime Time Malibu Shores. Ward landed her first role as a character in Sunset Beach daytime soap opera in which she played virginal Meg Cummings. In 1999, her career in film began by playing Brittany Foster (the psychotic Brittany Foster) in the erotic-thriller The In Crowd. The film was not a huge success in cinemas however, it was a huge success in the home and on cable. Ward later played a pivotal part in the supporting character of Shallow Hal, a hit film. Her other acting credits include a variety of direct-to-DVD movies and appearances in television programs, like Friends. In 2009she got the part of Chloe Kmet kothe mother of one of the gymnas in on the ABC Family Drama series Make It or Break It which was part of the main cast during the series' first two seasons. She was married to David C. Robinson, the producer. They had a child named Cameron.

Sandra Lee, a dermatologist and board-certified skin cancer surgeon accredited in the US is a huge hit on social media due to her videos on blackheads as well as cysts. Dr. Pimple popping has become a cult name for Sandra Lee in the You Tube Instagram Facebook. The show she hosts on television Dr. Pimple Popper, which is telecast on TLC, has six seasons. Additionally, she also has her own brand of skincare products.

pics Susan Ward Feet and Legs pics Susan Ward Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Kathryn Tappen Feet and Legs pics Kathryn Tappen Feet and Legs pics Kathryn Tappen Feet and Legs


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